FAQ all about spirulina

Welcome to the Q & A section! Here we answer your questions about spirulina and our self-sufficient spirulina farm. 
Why should I eat spirulina?
Spirulina has been known in scientific circles for years as the superfood of the future. This is not only due to the simple and fast cultivation, but also to the ingredients: Spirulina is one of the most protein-rich creatures with 60-70% protein. In addition, the algae contain numerous essential fatty acids as well as valuable minerals and vitamins. With spirulina you have a real nutrient bomb on one spoon!
What is better about the fresh products than the dried ones?
Compared to the dried form in tablets and powders, which have a strong flavour of their own, fresh spirulina has a mild, fresh taste that can be added to any dish. They also do not clump together in dishes, as is often the case with spirulina powder.
Then there are the ecological benefits: With fresh algae from your windowsill, you are helping to minimise plastic packaging, significantly shorten transport routes and therefore reduce CO2 emissions - for life! In addition, several studies have now shown that dried products often don't contain what they say on the label - a problem you won't have with your own farm - hence our motto: You grow it, you know it.
What does fresh spirulina taste like? Does it add flavour to the food?
In its pure form, fresh spirulina has a flavour of its own, similar to biting into a lettuce leaf. However, as soon as the algae is stirred into any food, you no longer taste anything.
How often and thoroughly should you clean the farm?
When harvesting, you can filter your culture directly into the second farm jar, so that at every harvest (i.e. about every 10 days) the jar is changed. The used glass can then simply be rinsed out or even put in the dishwasher and used fresh for the next harvest. With this rhythm, contamination should not occur.
Is the farm mobile?
Due to the self-sufficiency of the farm, it works wherever there is enough light for the algae. However, the live culture should always be transported carefully to avoid unnecessary stress on the cells.

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